- Remove fallen leaves
- Don’t walk on frozen turf
- Have the mower overhauled and to make sure that the other lawn tools are ready for use in the spring
- Laying turf is possible during fine spells
- In mild districts worm casts may appear, brush them away when dry
- Do not be tempted to mow your lawn before March
- Finish turfing this month
- Begin soil preparation at the end of the month if you plan to sow seed
- As soon as the grass starts to grow and the weather is fine, rake the lawn to remove leaves and surface rubbish. Do not rake too vigorously at this stage or you will damage the grass.
- If there have been heavy frosts during the winter, settle the turf by light rolling
- Choose a dry day for the first cut and merely remove the top of the grass
- Two cuts are sufficient this month
- Apply a moss killer if necessary
- Neaten lawn edges with a half-moon edging iron
- Repair broken edges
- Feeding and weeding can begin towards the end of the month, provided that the grass and weeds are actively growing
- Mow often enough to stop the grass growing away, but do not cut too low
- Dig out patches of coarse grass – fill the holes with sifted soil and then re-seed or re-turf
- Continue mowing, increase the frequency as necessary and lower the height of cut
- You should be mowing once a week
- This is the best month for weed killing
- Water if the month is particularly dry and before obvious signs of distress
- Mow twice a week when the soil is moist. If there is a long dry spell, raise the height of the cut and do not use the grass box.
- This is the time for summer feeding and weeding
- Trim the edges regularly
- Be repared to water if there is a dry spell
- Mow regularly at the summer height
- Water if dry weather is prolonged
- Rake occasionally
- The same general treatment as for July
- August is the last month of the year for weed killing and for feeding with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer
- Seed sowing can begin in late August
- Increasing the interval between mowings and the raise the height of cut
- Worms may become active at this time of year
- Scarify, then spike any compacted areas and finally top dress
- Treat diseased patches
- Tackle moles this month
- Sowing seed
- Carry out the last cut or two, raising the cutter height.
- Trim lawn edges
- Apply Autumn Feed
- Carry out lawn repairs
- Complete the scarify-spike-top dress routine
- Brush up fallen leaves
- Dig out tufts of coarse grass, then re-turf or re-seed the bare patches
- Lay turf
- Carry out final cut if the if the weather isn’t frosty or wet
- All equipment should now be cleaned and oiled for winter storage
- Keep the lawn clear of fallen leaves and other debris
- Brush away leaves
- Keep off the lawn when it is wet or frozen
- Turfing is possible during fine spells