Earlier in the year I decided to clear out a small bed which had become overgrown with conifers and ivy.
I dug out the roots and added some fertiliser and waited until the weather warmed up.
Over the last year or so I had accumulated a number of annual seed packets so in early June I took a small bucket, added some sharp sand and mixed all all the seeds.
Then, after watering, I scattered the seeds/sand mixture over the prepared area and covered it with garden netting to keep the birds away.
Within a couple of weeks the seedlings germinated and after another couple of weeks I was able to “prick out” the more densely sown areas.
Now in early July the bed is full of colour. Orange, yellow and pink Californian poppies and blue and white cornflowers and there are still lots of plants not yet in flower.
I would recommend this way of gardening to everyone; it’s easy, cheap and very rewarding.
I’ll post an update in a couple of weeks time when more flowers should be open.