Monthly Archives: January 2015

4 posts

Health Effects of Gardening Explored in Uni’s Motion Capture Lab

The design of gardening tools and their effect on the physical health of gardeners were explored by Coventry University and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) this week as part of a joint study the two organisations are carrying out. Professional and amateur gardeners of all ages visited the University’s state […]

Clearing an Overgrown Garden

If you have just bought a home with an overgrown garden this article is for you. We are going to explain how to quickly and safely clear the overgrown area and prepare it to be transformed into your own little piece of paradise. Safety first The first thing we are […]

Grow Your Own Vegetables

Growing your own vegetables, salads and herbs can be extremely satisfying. Not only do they taste much better than shop bought vegetables they are also cheaper and tend to provide us with more vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It is also so much more convenient to pop out to your garden than to trek down to the shops for a couple of fresh tomatoes and a lettuce.

Time to Force your Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a vegetable (not fruit) loved by many and extremely easy to grow as long as you give it the room. Rhubarb can be grown from seed sown in April but it is much better to plant “crowns” to ensure a good strong plant and fruitful crop. You can […]