Conifers are similar to trees but there are a number of biological differences, most are evergreen but some are deciduous. They make great architectural features in a garden, particularly planted in groups, they also provide excellent ground cover.
There is a vast range of shapes, textures and colours that look good all year round. There are dwarf and slow growing varieties which are ideal for a small garden. Examples of deciduous conifers are: Gingko biloba, Larix decidua, Larix kaempferi and Metasequoia glyptostroboides.
Care: Choose your planting site with care. Consideration should be given to the final height and spread of the conifer. They prefer a well drained site so Double Dig and soak the plant prior to planting. Add bone meal to the bottom of the hole. Plant to the same level as it was in the pot or to the soil mark on bare-rooted plants. Water thoroughly.
It’s a good idea to stake new conifers which are taller than 2m while it’s getting properly rooted in. Use a short stake, 100-120-cm, hammered in at an angle of 45 degrees. The top end of the stake should point in the direction of the prevailing wind. Use a tree tie to fix the trunk to the stake about 30cm from the ground – the buckle of the tie should rest against the stake, not the tree.
Conifers in our Garden: Below is a selection of conifers we have in our garden;
Abies Koreana Large Blue Cone Korean Fir Tree |
Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ |
Thuja occidentalis Rheingold |