A month by month, easy to follow, guide to the jobs you should be doing in your vegetable garden or allotment now.
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Jobs to do in the vegetable garden or allotment in February. Click the links to find out more about gardening tasks and specific vegetables.
Seeds to sow indoors in a heated greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill:
Seeds to sow outdoors where they are to grow. Check that the soil is workable and not too cold. A couple of weeks before sowing your seed cover the patch of soil with horticultural fleece or polythene sheets to help warm it up then just before sowing prepare the soil:
- Peas
- Broad Beans
- Radishes
- Turnip
Plants to plant outside in the ground. Before planting seedlings prepare the soil:
- Shallots
- Rhubarb
Other tasks to do in the vegetable garden:
- Dig over the soil if it is not too wet or cold
- Cover establishd Rhubarb to force an early crop
- Chit Seed Potatoes
- Check for wind damage
Jobs to do in the vegetable garden or allotment in March. Click the links to find out more about gardening tasks and specific vegetables.
Seeds to sow indoors in a heated greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill:
- Cucumbers
- Capsicum
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Tomatoes
Seeds to sow outdoors where they are to grow. Check that the soil is workable and not too cold or wet. If it has been particularly cold cover the patch of soil with horticultural fleece or polythene sheets to help warm it up then just before sowing prepare the soil:
Other tasks to do in the vegetable garden:
- Dig over the soil if it is not too wet or cold
- Keep Rhubarb covered to force an early crop
- Continue to Chit Seed Potatoes
- Check for wind damage
Jobs to do in the vegetable garden or allotment in April. Click the links to find out more about gardening tasks and specific vegetables.
Seeds to sow indoors. If you missed the opportunity in March you can still sow the following in a heated greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill:
- Cucumbers
- Capsicum
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Tomatoes
Seeds to sow outdoors where they are to grow. The soil should be warming up nicely now but if it still feels cold cover the patch of soil with horticultural fleece or polythene sheets to help warm it up then just before sowing prepare the soil:
- Peas
- Broad Beans
- Leef Beet
- Beetroot
- Broccoli
- Summer Cabbage
- Winter Cabbage
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Lettuce
- Spinach
- Radishes
- Turnip
- Brussels Sprouts
- Leeks
- Onions
- Parsnips
Plant straight into the ground after preparing the soil:
- Check that your potatoes have chitted well then plant them out following our Potato Planting Guide. If you encounter any problems with your potatoes during the growing season, take a look at our Potato Pests and Diseases Guide.
- Plant out Globe Artichokes
- Plant out Asparagus following this great article from the RHS
If you are lucky or planned your veg garden well last season you may be able to harvest the following tasty treats:
- Late Broccoli
- Turnip Tops
- Spring Cabbage
- Rhubarb
- Kale
- Leeks
Other tasks to do in the vegetable garden:
- Start cutting established Asparagus
- Continue to Chit Seed Potatoes
- Last chance to plant bare rooted fruit trees
Jobs to do in the vegetable garden or allotment in May. Click the links to find out more about gardening tasks and specific vegetables.
Seeds to sow outdoors where they are to grow. The soil should be warming up nicely now but if it still feels cold cover the patch of soil with horticultural fleece or polythene sheets to help warm it up then just before sowing prepare the soil:
- Peas
- Broad Beans
- Leef Beet
- Beetroot
- Broccoli
- Summer Cabbage
- Winter Cabbage
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Lettuce
- Spinach
- Radishes
- Turnip
- Brussels Sprouts
- Leeks
- Onions
- Parsnips
- French Beans
- Runner Beans
- Chicory
- Outdoor Cucumber
- Kale
- Marrows
- Courgettes
- Mangetout
- Swede
Plant straight into the ground after preparing the soil:
- Brussels Sprouts
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Capsicum
- Summer Cabbage
Sow in a cold greenhouse:
- Tomatoes
If you are lucky or planned your veg garden well last season you may be able to harvest the following tasty treats:
- Early sown Lettuce
- Radishes
Other tasks to do in the vegetable garden:
- Continue to cut established Asparagus
- Prepare soil for planting Courgettes, Marrows and outdoor Cucumbers
Jobs to do in the vegetable garden or allotment in June. Click the links to find out more about gardening tasks and specific vegetables.
Seeds to sow outdoors where they are to grow in prepared soil:
- Beetroot
- Carrots
- Swede
And keep sowing the following to extend the harvesting season:
- Lettuce
- French Beans
- Radishes
- Peas
Plant straight into the ground after preparing the soil:
- Brussels Sprouts
- Broccoli
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Capsicum
- Winter Cabbage
- Sweet Corns
- Cauliflower
- Leeks
- Courgettes
- Marrows
- Outdoor Tomatoes
- Outdoor Cucumbers
If you are lucky you may be able to harvest the following tasty treats:
- Early sown Broad Beans
Other tasks to do in the vegetable garden:
- Finish cutting established Asparagus
- Water during dry spells
- Damp down greenhouse to maintain moist atmosphere
- Apply greenhouse shading
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Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon