Pests, Diseases & Weeds

12 posts

Want to rid your garden of pesky slugs?

Want to rid your garden of pesky slugs? ‘Citizen scientists’’ gardening experiment reveals any beer will do A nationwide experiment has revealed that the old myth of slugs being attracted to beer is in fact true, with lager and bitter proving to be the most effective drinks for successfully trapping […]

Knotweed: A Property Menace

There has long been a real concern regarding the dangers of a British garden dweller, although it’s probably not what you would expect. While it hasn’t got sharp claws or long fangs, and isn’t going to attack you in the middle of the night, this devil-in-disguise can pose quite the […]

Battling with Bugs in your Garden

Our friends at Compost Direct have compiled another must-read article, this time it is about dealing with those pesky insects which can leave us gardeners extremely frustrated. Here are the top 10 most common pests in our gardens and greenhouses (according to the RHS):

Pesticide-Free Gardening

“Many gardeners have an aversion to chemicals. These gardeners may be devoted to pesticide-free growing, want to plant (and eat) edibles, or simply like the thought of keeping flower beds naturally healthy. Whatever the reason, there are key steps you can take to get and keep the pesticides out of […]

Controlling Japanese Knotweed: Save Your Property And Your Pocket

Matthew Jones and his fiancée Sue Banks had the value of their new four-bedroom house in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire drop from £305,000 to £50,000 as a result of the damage caused by Japanese Knotweed. The intruder spread along the brick walls, up through the floor and over skirting boards, the couple […]

Vegetable Pests and Diseases

Growing vegetables is never trouble free but if know what is wrong you have a better chance of eradicating it and, hopefully, save your affected vegetables. This is a comprehensive article giving lots of detail on how to deal with most garden pests and diseases which affect vegetables. Most vegetables […]

Pear Rust

This week at the allotment I noticed the Pear Tree had bright orange spots on the leaves. I had never seen anything like it before so I took a couple of affected leaves home and did some research. The best website by far for researching garden pests and plant diseases […]

Organic Gardening A Beginners Guide

With the growing trend of improving diets, more and more people are beginning to watch what they eat. After all, ‘you are what you eat’, no matter how old the saying is, makes for a very valid point. My advice to anyone wishing to know what exactly it is they […]

Gooseberry Sawfly

If you love to grow gooseberrys you will know the frustration of the gooseberry sawfly whose larvae can strip the leaves of gooseberry bushes.